Friday, November 18, 2011

Effective Instruction is a Must

Both of these articles gave good ideas for effective instruction, although their ideas are a little different.  The first article, A Model of Effective Instruction, focuses on the QAIT model.  QAIT stands for Quality of instruction, Appropriate levels of instruction, Incentive, and Time.  Quality of instruction refers to how material is taught.  Appropriate levels of instruction means making sure all the students' needs are met.  Incentive is motivation to learn.  Time refers to the time spent teaching and time students spend on task.  Principles of Effective Instruction talks about standards that educators should think about when planning instruction.  The first principle focuses on reflective learning, students taking time to think about what they have learned.  The second principle focuses on the support of different characteristics at the same time.  Cognitive characteristics are supported by using prior knowledge and giving feedback on assignments.  Motivational characteristics are supported by incentives, which is part of the QAIT model.  Emotional characteristics are supported by increasing positive emotions.  Although they have some different ideas, both of these articles agree that in order for students to learn, instruction must be effective.  Good teaching is not enough.

Why is effective instruction so important for us as LMS or TIS professionals?  In the district where I currently work, the elementary school LMSs actually teach technology classes.  The things they are teaching the students are skills they really need to know, especially since we live in such a digital age, such as mouse skills, typing skills, PowerPoint, etc.  It's also very likely that the LMS or TIS will need to teach colleagues as well as students, so their instruction needs to be effective for everyone.

What is our role when it comes to helping teachers be effective?  I think our role is to provide resources to help teachers be effective.  There are many professional books and magazines in the school library where I work for teachers to use.  Teachers often check out those materials to get ideas.