Saturday, December 3, 2011

Some Teachers Don't Feel Comfortable Integrating Technology

In 2011, almost 2012, why is technology still a class kids go to to learn to use a tool and not an integrated part of the lessons we teach?  I believe the answer to this question is because teachers aren't comfortable integrating technology into their lessons.  For younger teachers, this might not be the case, but teachers who are closer to retirement age could very likely feel this way.  Most of their teaching career didn't involve much technology, so they aren't comfortable using it now.  They are "digital immigrants".
At the elementary school where I work, technology is taught during library skills time, but I think several of the teachers do a great job of integrating technology into their lessons as well.  We have three eMINTS (enhansing Missouri's Instructional Networked Teaching Strategies) classrooms in our building.  These classrooms have approximately one computer for every two students.  The teachers who have these classrooms do a great job of using the resources provided to them.