Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week Five: RSS and Feed Readers

I had a difficult time with this one in the beginning.  I chose to use Bloglines for my feed reader.  Evidently the website has changed since the tutorial videos were made.  I tried to follow them, but my screen looked very different from the ones in the videos.  After a long time of trying to figure it out on my own, I clicked on the Help icon on the Bloglines homepage and got some of my questions answered.  I finally succeeded in adding three RSS feeds to my reader.  I added USA Today, MSN News, and I also found an RSS feed for my district website.  Although I had some difficulties with this assignment, I was glad to do it.  Before today I had never really understood what RSS was.  I heard about it all the time but never knew exactly what it was.  Now I have a much better understanding. :)

1 comment:

  1. RSS feeds have always been a little confusing to me. Like you, this assignment was good for me just to acclimate me to this technology.
