The webinar I watched was called Using Technology for Time Management. Susie Quinn was the host. I thought it was really helpful. She discussed how to use a smart phone to develop time management skills. I'm pretty good at managing my time wisely, but I think this is something my husband needs to watch. :)
This was my first time to watch a webinar. I think webinars are a convenient way to get information. People don't always have time to attend workshops or conferences, and this is a great way to be able to "attend" without leaving the house. Archived webinars are great for when people don't get a chance to watch them live.
In the next ten years I think webinars will be even more popular than they are now. I can see librarians using this tool a lot in the future to keep up to date on technology and other things.
I am going to have to review the information on implementing my smart phone as a time management tool. I do use if for my alarm in the morning, does that count? LOL - kidding... I'm sure that it does have a lot of functionality and ability that I don't utitilize so that sounds like an interesting webinar that many people could benefit from reviewing.